Melissa In The Morning: The Struggle With Social Media

Scared sad girl bullied on line with laptop suffering cyberbullying and harassment feeling desperate and intimidated. Child victim of bullying stalker social media network

Melissa In The Morning: The Struggle With Social Media

Social media continues to have a negative impact on America’s youth. We got professional perspective from Dr. Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz. She is an attending adolescent pyschiatrist at Silver Hill Hospital. Find out what her pre-teen patients struggle with and what it means to be better “digital citizens.” (0:00)

A Sacred Heart University student blamed for causing a serious head-on collision has now been accused of drinking and speeding that night. We get the latest details about the new information from the September crash from Fairfield Lt. Michael Paris. (14:48)

Bridgeport Councilwoman Maria Pereira has been banned from entering any city public housing properties. Pereira came on to respond to the banning news and shared who she thinks is behind the decision. (23:07)

According to national data, teens make up 22% of the children and youth waiting to be adopted in the foster care system, but account for only 12% of those adopted. And almost 20,000 young people “age out” of foster care each year. We spoke with the national group, AdoptUSKids, about new efforts to help teens find forever families. (33:41)

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